The ERN Research Mobility Fellowships call

The Research Mobility Fellowships is now closed.

The call for Research Mobility Fellowships aims to support PhD students, Postdocs and medical doctors in training to undertake scientific visits fostering specialist research training outside their countries of residence.

The exchange can be carried out either:

  • within the same ERN (Full Members and Affiliated Partners), OR
  • between different ERNs (Full Members and Affiliated Partners), OR
  • between ERN Full Members / Affiliated Partners and non-ERN institutions.

Either home or host (secondment) institution must be a Full Member or Affiliated Partner of an ERN at the time when the application is submitted, as well as during the proposed period of the training stay.

Successful applicants should acquire new competences and knowledge related to their research on rare diseases, with a defined research plan and demonstrable benefit to the ERN of the home and/or host institution.

Fellows should take into consideration several elements such as:

  • Relevance and impact of the project, for the fellow, home and host institutions
    and the ERN as a whole
  • clear added value for the ERN(s)
  • Quality of the research proposal
  • Organization and proposed methodology of the training
  • Relevance of timelines and of required resources and budget

The research mobility fellowships are meant to cover stays of 4 weeks to 6 months duration.

For the purpose of this call, the following categories of applicants can apply:

  • PhD students with a minimum of one year of research experience at the time of submitting a proposal
  • Postdocs/research fellows within five years after receiving PhD degree at the time of submitting the proposal
  • Physicians with at least one year of rare disease specialist training and within five years of completion of clinical training at the time of submitting the proposal


  • Either home or host (secondment) institution must be a Full Member or Affiliated Partner of an ERN at the time when the application is submitted, as well as during the proposed period of the training stay. The list of full ERN members per country and per network can be found here.
  • Both the home and host institutions must be located in EU countries and/or in countries in which EJP RD beneficiaries are located, which are: Austria, Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey and UK.
  • Duration of training stay is 4 weeks to 6 months
  • Training must be completed within 12 months from the application approval
  • Training is not allowed to start before the receipt of the official approval letter from
    the WP 17 coordination office.
  • Residency of the applicant must be in a country involved in EJP RD (see above)

For further information you can contact the Heidelberg coordination team, through